Groundwater Nitrate / SBX2 1 Project
Groundwater Nitrate / SBX2 1 Project
Groundwater Nitrate / SBX2 1 Project
University of California
Groundwater Nitrate / SBX2 1 Project

SBX2 1 Statute

Requirement of SBX2 1 to Develop Nitrate Pilot Projects in the Tulare Lake Basin and Salinas Valley

SBX2 1 added Water Code Section 83002.5 which requires that the State Water Board, in consultation with other agencies, develop pilot projects in the Tulare Lake Basin and the Salinas Valley to study nitrate contamination, and identify remedial solutions and funding options to recover costs associated with cleanup or treatment of groundwater and to report to the Legislature within two years. It also directs the State Water Board to create an Interagency Task Force (ITF) as needed, to oversee the pilot projects and develop recommendations for the Legislature.

The pilot projects are intended to help improve understanding of the causes of groundwater contamination due to nitrate, identify potential source reduction measures, remediation and treatment solutions, and funding sources to recover costs expended by the state to clean up or treat groundwater, and ensure the provision of safe drinking water to all communities.

Nitrate Project Development

On June 10, 2010, the California Department of General Services approved the contract between the State Water Board and UC Davis for the subject pilot projects. Dr. Thomas Harter, Robert M. Hagan Endowed Chair in Water Management and Policy, Department of Land, Air and Water Resources and Center for Watershed Sciences, is the principal investigator.

Nitrate Project Interagency Task Force (ITF)

Member agencies of the ITF are identified in SBX2 1. The ITF will play an important role in overseeing the pilot projects, as well as developing recommendations to the Legislature.



June 2010 - UC Davis signs contract with SWRCB
August 2010 - First ITF meeting, Davis
May 2011 - Second ITF meeting, Davis
September 2011 - Draft Report submitted to SWRCB for review
October 2011 - Draft Report submitted to 30 technical reviewers
December 2011 - Third ITF meeting, Sacramento
January 2012 - Penultimate Report submitted to SWRCB for approval
March 2012 - Public release of UC Davis study
May 2012 - SWRCB public workshop
Summer 2012 - SWRCB submission of Report to Legislature
March 2013 - UC Davis completes data upload, peer-reviewed publications, report updates 
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